Thursday 25 October 2007

Velos, filtros, versiones...

Listen to the French version

À la claire fontaine, m'en allant promener,
J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle que je m'y suis baigné.
Il y a lontemps que je t'aime, jamais je ne t'oublierai.
Sous les feuilles d'un chêne, je me suis fait sécher.
Il y a lontemps que je t'aime, jamais je ne t'oublierai.
Sur la plus haute branche, un rossignol chantait.
Il y a lontemps que je t'aime, jamais je ne t'oublierai.
Chante, rossignol, chante, toi qui as le coeur gai;
Tu as le coeur à rire, moi je l'ai à pleurer.
Il y a lontemps que je t'aime, jamais je ne t'oublierai.
J'ai perdu mon ami sans l'avoir mérité.
Pour un bouquet de roses que je lui refusai.
Il y a lontemps que je t'aime, jamais je ne t'oublierai.
Je voudrais que la rose fût encore au rosier,
Et que mon douce ami fût encore à m'aimer

Listen to the Chinese version

By the clear running fountain
I strayed one summer day.
The water looked so cooling
I bathed without delay.
Many long years have I loved you,
Ever in my heart you'll stay.
Beneath an oak tree shady
I dried myself that day
When from the topmost branch
A bird's song came my way.
Sing, nightingale, keep singing,
Your heart is always gay.
You have no cares to grieve you,
While I could weep today.
You have no cares to grieve you,
While I could weep today,
For I have lost my loved one
In such a senseless way.
She wanted some red roses
But I did rudely say
She could not have the roses
That I had picked that day.
Now I wish those red roses
Were on their bush today,
While I and my beloved
Still went our old sweet way.

I bought this DVD not knowing it was filmed in China. I knew it was a story that happened somewhre in Asia. It could happen anywhere. At some point one of the characters tells the other something like: 'it was silly of us looking for qualities in each other that we never had'. It made me think how many times I have been in a similar situation.Expecting others to be something they are not, not wanting to see the reality, blinding myself, refusing to see the obvious. And also, how many times I still want to find qualities in myself which I do not have, instead of opening my eyes and accepting myself the way I am.


Anonymous said...

En francés entiendo algo más que en inglés...pero sigo prefiriendo el castellano, nene.

Un poco triste el poemita ¿no?

Cuídate, guapo, que me acuerdo de ti.


Marco said...


My flat mates got this movie on DVD the other day, just a couple of days after you left to Shanghai. I didn't feel like watching it at this stage as I didn't want to be reminded of Shanghai at all. I am now ready though and will watch it soon.

Mar Qui To
Daughter Of The Sunrise, Sister Of The Morning Dew and Mistress Of Extrusion

Anonymous said...

Coucou! A la claire fontaine,toute une histoire!!! qui parle de regret, du temps passé, de tristesse.... j'espère quand même que tu vas bien, on fait tous ça, en français "faire l'autruche" ne pas voir ce qu'on ne veut pas voir, en fait peut être que je préfère la vérité, et souffrir s'il le faut... mon côté maso....!!
Haven't seen the movie...thought it would be a bit melloooowwww..... you'll tell me?